Soccer Spirits Wiki
Soccer Spirits Wiki
Robin Recall banner

Character Recall : ZUXX Robin

Hi, it's Com2uS!

We've decided to apply the Recall System in order to preserve the minimum value of the characters

In order to make the game better, we constantly try to update the game and apply balance patches as well. The value of some characters may decrease during the process, but we ask for your understanding in these situations.

1. What is a Character Recall?
1-1. Character Recalls are available, under the sole discretion of the developers, for characters which value has been greatly decreased as a result of character balancing patches. The Character Recall is made for all players that possess the character that has been selected as a Recall Subject and provides a user-determined reward as compensation.

2. Definition of character value being greatly decreased
2-1. The total value of a skill effect of a single skill being decreased by 30% or more
2-2. The total stat of a player being decreased by 15% or more.
2-3. The performance of a player being significantly hindered as a result of a change to the character skill set. (Under the discretion of the developers)

3. Cases of a Character Value Decrease not resulting as a recall
3-1. Legendary/Special Players will not be considered for recall.
3-2. If the decrease of character value is indirect and a result of game system change or game rule change.
3-3. There may be a patch that increases the character value within 1 month after the patch that decreased it. In this case, the character will not be subject to recall

- ZUXX Robin will be subject for recall during Apr. 13th 10pm - Apr. 19th 11pm PST.-

1. The Recall System icon will be displayed on the upper right side of the main menu. (Next to the chat button)

2. The recallable characters and recall period will be displayed when you enter the Recall System. You can proceed with the recall by selecting the recallable character that you possess.

Recall news 1